
2023年3月26日—TestEditioniswherenewfeaturesandbugfixesgowhiletheyarestillbeingtested.Ifyouwanttohelpwiththetestinginstallthat.,2022年1月18日—Helloeveryone,Icannotfindanyinformationaboutthisedition.Doyouknowanything?,Buildacivilizationthatwillstandthetestoftimeinthelargestspace-basedstrategygameever!Choosefromdozensofuniqueracesandmakeanamefor ...,Buildacivilizationthatwillstandthetestoftimeint...

Test Edition » Forum Post by PalaceGuardian

2023年3月26日 — Test Edition is where new features and bug fixes go while they are still being tested. If you want to help with the testing install that.

Test Edition? :

2022年1月18日 — Hello everyone, I can not find any information about this edition. Do you know anything?

Galactic Civilizations III

Build a civilization that will stand the test of time in the largest space-based strategy game ever! Choose from dozens of unique races and make a name for ...


Build a civilization that will stand the test of time in the largest space-based strategy game ever! Choose from dozens of unique races.

Galactic Civilizations III

Build a civilization that will stand the test of time in the largest space-based strategy game ever! Choose from dozens of unique races.

[Epic Games] Galactic Civilizations III (FREE100% off)

2022年1月13日 — A first-person physics-based puzzle game where you need to creatively combine magnetism and gravity to unravel the secrets of Chandra Base.

Just bought into the Alpha, I have two possible versions to ...

2021年6月10日 — Just bought into the Alpha, I have two possible versions to install, Gal Civ IV, and Gal Civ IV Test edition. What? QUESTION. Title says it ...